Happy New Year

Like most people, none of us are sure how we got to 2022.

Like 2020, 2021 was a year full of lockdowns, uncertainty, online learning, burnt out nursing, tears, highs. lows and everything in between. I am fortunate to have a nursing role that I can accomplish at home (or at the hospital), alongside a clinical role – so I had some flexibility. Madz spent a large portion of the year at home – her traineeship is very much hands on – bush-walks, canoe trips and wilderness adventures were postponed – all to happen this year. The school girls muddled through yet another year of learning from home – quite successfully (awards and scholarships abound). The Wilbur continued work as per normal – being an essential service – they did not stop.

This year is shaping up to be another hum-dinger – it seems it is to be largely controlled by our response to COVID. Again. This latest strain – OMICRON whilst virulent, seems to have less effect. The strain on our healthcare system huge. Hospitals and staff are at breaking point – burnt out already. People are turning on each other. Our country is in confusion and turmoil. Our leader appointed Prime Minister is a professional gymnast (or at least should be, if the amount of back flips he has done, is any indication), and quite frankly, he is a complete knob. *sigh*

So – for #theclarkgang – 2022 is about staying afloat. Caring and supporting. Respectful relationships within our family and beyond. Encouraging movement outside of our comfort zones. Spending quality time together (our Sunday night dinners are my favourite time). Embracing the good things and learning from the speed humps – no matter the size. Making good choices. Doing out best. Getting the days done.

We’ve got this.

Say hello!

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