Feet up position.

Can you believe it is January?

What a year 2021was. A 3,652 days worth of year.

I thought I might share a little about my spare ‘spare’ time. You know – the time you have when your spare time is filled with doing chores, kid-wrangling and stuff, so you find some spare spare time. Actually – much of this spare spare time occurs in the car – that’s where I do all of my listening (when I am not holding on for dear life, teaching a nervous L-driver!). 

Or – this is what I do when I am in the ‘feet up’ position. Rare, but lovely.

What I am reading…….

Can you die of a broken heart (Dr Nikki Stamp) – I have loved this book. Dr Stamp clearly loves the heart, and has a way of explaining it complexities and intricacies. Does heartbreak really exist (it would seem so!).

This one wild and precious life (Sarah Wilson) Sarah takes readers on a “soul’s journey” through the complexities of climate change, coronavirus, the racial injustice, our loneliness and our disconnection from what matters…t o find a way back to the life we feel we ought to be living. Definitely a book to read when you have quiet, and a pencil to annotate…..

Untamed (Glennon Doyle) – I am only at the beginning of this, but it is thought provoking and liberating. I also have the “Get Untamed” journal – yet to use, but it is ready.

The Body (Billy Bryson) – I have been listening to this in audiobook form for quite some time (it’s quite the tome!). I enjoy Bill’s laidback tones, and all of the little body facts that he has researched. Definitely a worthwhile read.

Let Go: The Resilience Project (Hugh Van Cuylenburg) If you haven’t heard of The Resilience Project, go and check it out. I’ll wait. 

Here is a TRP blurb: The mental health statistics in this country are confronting. Our mission is to teach positive mental health strategies to help people become happier and more resilient. We share emotionally engaging stories with hundreds of schools, workplaces and communities to help make the topic of mental health more accessible. The research is clear; the more positive emotion you experience, the more resilient you will be. For that reason we focus on three key pillars proven to cultivate positive emotion; Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM). Our programs also have a strong focus on Connection, Purpose, Kindness, Emotional Literacy and Physical Health. 

LET GO is Hugh’s second book, exploring shame, expectation, perfection, control, fear of failure, ego and addiction to social media, seven powerful issues holding many back from reaching their true potential.

Ready to read…..

The M word – how to thrive in menopause (Ginny Mansberg) – actually – I haven’t started reading this yet, it is the top of my list though, for this ‘lady of a certain age’. “Night sweats, hot flushes, anxiety, insomnia, exhaustion, itchy skin, low libido, painful sex … Any of these sound familiar? Ninety per cent of women experience these symptoms some time between the ages of 40 and 60, but shhhhhhh … just suck it up, princess. And nobody mention the M word.” Let’s get into it!

Ciao Bella! Six take Italy (Kate Langbroek) – I love a good non-fiction read, and getting to know people – this looks lie a go one!

Listening to…

Podcasts: I love a good podcast – again, learning about others’ lives and history, listening to mates chit chat, learning nursing / medical pearls. I have a few favourites that I try and listen to weekly:

CHAT 10 LOOKS 3 – Annabel Crabb and Leigh Sales chat about what they are loving over a cuppa and cake. They have also written a spin-off book – “Well Hello“. Super entertaining – a must listen for anyone who enjoys reading, movies, TV and being part of a conversation.

TWO HUMERUS NURSES – Kelly and Alisha are two relatable, funny nurses that chat about nursing life, anecdotes and their own lives, with a sprinkle of education thrown in. Great for wanna be nurses, already nurses and mates of nurses. I have been a guest on the podcast as well!

THE IMPERFECTS – Hugh van Cuylenburg (from The Resilience Project), Ryan Shelton and josh Van Cuylenburg team up to chat about how perfectly imperfect we all are. Definitely a 5 star MUST listen podcast.


I particularly like CONVERSATIONS, as I never quite know what I am going to get, or learn. Richard Fydler is warm, and incredibly engaging, his conversations are relaxed, educational, and at times, incredibly funny.


Mia Freedman. I enjoy her chats to ‘interesting people’, about their careers, families and what makes them tick. Mia has no filter (I suffer the same ailment!) – and I like that. I don’t listen religiously, usually only when she is interviewing someone that has piqued my interest.

Here are a few of my favourites:

  • Leigh Sales and Mia freedman: Work, Strife, balance and Friendship
  • Lisa Wilkinson o marriage, KArl and her latest project
  • Andrew Denton: on leaving life gently
  • Richard Fidler

Other favourite episodes:

The fight against climate change: Hack – Triple J – David Attenborough

You shall have all the towels that you require: The Full Catastrophe – Annabel Crabb. If you listen to nothing else – you MUST listen to this. Annabel’s account of the birth of her first child is hilarious.


I had a shoulder replacement last year, and had a lot of time on my hands to watch / binge.

Here are my favourites:

Five bedrooms


The Newsreader

Grey’s Anatomy – both the current season, and I *may* have started from the beginning as well! Be still my beating heart Dr McDreamy.

Station 19 – a Grey’s spinoff. 

I’m a Celebrity AUS – who doesn’t love a bit of Dr Chris and Lady J Mo.


That’s it. That’s all I have time for. I’m off to the beach to do ‘stuff’ with the girl tribe. xx

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