So – here’s the thing. I started this blog waaaay back in 2005. You cannot see those posts – purely because it was a time where I was scrapbooking, documenting and navigating parenting. I was reviewing products. I was photographing families. I was a mummy blogger. Not huge – but enough to make money. Then I changed tack and wrote stories about our life, living on The ‘Ninch. Then I started my Bachelor Nursing and was too busy to write for fun. The I graduated and started working – out of the home, as a paediatric nurse. Then, I started studying again – post graduate and Masters. During this time I stopped writing all together.


I have a big gap from when I would write about all sorts of things, to a couple of posts here and there. It’s like our family ground to a halt.

Which it did. Sort of.

I ground to a halt. I forgot how to write anything that wasn’t academic. I was only parenting, navigating the constant driving, feelings, cooking, trying to keep my head above water whilst keeping everyone alive.

So now it’s 2023. We have lived through a pandemic (I kick myself that I did not document THAT!). I now have four much bigger girls (13,, 15, 18 and 20), and am still married to The One. Things are still chaotic.

I am feeling the pull of writing again. I don’t even know if people read blogs any more – it’s reels, instagram, tiktok etc. Who cares. I am here, and I am back!


Let me re- introduce the gang…. ( I wrote this intro a few years ago – it’s mostly still relevant……)

ME – Umm – I’m a mum with FOUR girls, married to THE one, two one zero dog (*sad face), one crazy dog – Molly, one two beautiful dogs – Diego and Hugo, one cat – King George Charlie, two one no rabbits, four no  two or guinea pigs, and five NO three SIX chooks.

I crossfit, I play golf, I currently have a frozen left shoulder, apparently osteoarthritic left shoulder, and cannot put my left arm above my head, have a brand new metal shoulder, I want to run a marathon, I wrestle, wrangle patiently parent children, I eat whatever, I try to yoga, I read, I swim (frozen shoulder), I swim now! I dream about fitting more into each day, I take FABULOUS photographs, I study finished my Bachelor Nursing full-time in my spare time in 2016, did my Graduate year (2017) at my dream Hospital (The RCH) and am now a nurse at a Hospital closer to home.  I completed a Post-graduate Certificate in Paediatrics (Emergency), and whilst working closer to home, I am also coordinating the NF Clinic at RCH. I have have completed my Masters of Advanced Nursing Practice. I instagram (personal account), (the shiftworkingmum account) and facebook. I am just ….. busy. I once gave Santa an eyeful, listed TEN things you might want to know about me, and I share recipes that are easy and fabulous for a time poor mother of a hungry tribe! I had my first coffee at age 39, and it still makes me super buzzy – cannot drink the stuff past 11:00am!

We live on “the ‘Ninch“, and LOVE it. Who wouldn’t – sun, sand,surf, mountains, hinterland – you get the gist!

This is where I spend my very valuable spare time (of which there is not a lot!), sharing shift-working tips, telling stories and sharing the local ‘Ninch secrets and life. I often review noteworthy events/items, and happily work with brands.

Meet the rest of the gang….

The Cyclone – aka the ONE!

We have been married for 14 years (OMG – 15, 19, years now!)- he used to FIFO internationally as a commercial diver, now he is an expert farm type + diver bloke, who is at home ALL. THE .TIME (!). He is pretty cool, and can fix anything with gaffa-tape, cable ties and foam filler. Back in 2015, he had a life-changing event (which I did not blog about), nearly blew up his pancreas, and avoided making the worst mistake of his life (leaving us). Now he is a top-notch Daddio and not a bad husband! He has his own category – WILBUR+ISMS – always good for a laugh! Is now the mooring guy, and living the dream.


The eldest. Athletic. Not interested in boys (yet?), unless she is racing against them in a run. Was the second fastest race-walker for her age a couple of years ago (State and National), but has since taken a break, whilst she competes in Surf Lifesaving. Is moving through life, and recently had ‘the sex talk‘ with her siblings! Is my person (apart from the Cyclone). UPDATE: is now a learner driver, thinks she knows everything, and is navigating the highs and lows of VCE, second year Uni after completing a Cert IV in Outdoor Leadership last year. Is very awesome.

The Mackenzinator

The most empathetic, complex girl I have even met. Holds house record for medical ‘incidents’ – two heart surgeries (one open), three, four, five grommet insertions, one grommet removal, a broken arm, hypertension, NF1 and a duplicated chromosome., plus endless visits to ED for all sorts of things. Had hew wizzies out this year, and is about to get braces. Poor kid – only non-thumb-sucker in the family and only one requiring braces! Is very awesome – a thinker, problem solver and just keeps on keeping on. Is rocking VCAL like a boss, has a collection of plants in her greenhouse (bedroom). Owns Diego, and loves him more than anything. Is learning how to weld. Is dangerous.

The Murph

Owner of hair thicker than sheep wool, used to be full of ringlets, until THE incident!. Extreme farter. Extreme giggler and smiler. Excellent at slipping under the radar. Sings remarkably well – but will not sing for anyone. Stubborn. Dislikes tomato, any food that is not white and Daddy’s whiskers. Used to barrack for the Hawks (Daddy’s team) until Daddy dropped her and broke her arm. Now a devout Carlton supporter! Currently navigating Yr 7 10. Devout vegetarian since she realised that lamb chops come from ‘actual animals‘. No longer a vegetarian – it appears a year of no bacon was enough. Is funny. Is going on World Challenge next year toCambodia / Vietnam, so got herself a job. Is super cool.


The youngest. Lives life like she IS caps lock – loud and proud. Supreme bed sneaker-inner. Skin toucher. Madz’ shadow. Water lover – swims like no other. Nipper champion – 1 gold and 2 silver medals at State Junior Surf Lifesaving Champs this year (that was a few years ago – has since medalled in multiple State Championships and came away with Gold and Silver medals at the Australian pool Lifesaving Champs in Jan 2023). Swims 8-10 times per week. Is always wet.

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